Rules of purchase

  • 1. General provisions.

    1.1. These Rules for the Purchase and Sale of Goods (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) are a legal document binding on the Parties, which establishes the rights, obligations and responsibilities of the Buyer and the Seller when the Buyer purchases goods in the e-shop.

    1.2. The Seller reserves the right to change, amend or supplement the rules at any time, taking into account the requirements established by legal acts. The buyer is informed on the website of the e-shop. When the buyer purchases in the e-shop, the Rules in force at the time of placing the order apply.

    1.3. You have the right to buy in the e-shop:

    1.3.1. able-bodied natural persons, i.e. persons who have reached the age of majority, whose capacity is not limited by judicial procedure;

    1.3.2. minors between the ages of 14 and 18, only with the consent of their parents or guardians, except in cases where they independently dispose of their income;

    1.3.3. legal entities;

    1.3.4. authorized representatives of all the above persons.

    1.4. The seller, by approving the rules, also guarantees that, in accordance with rule 1.3. the Buyer has the right to purchase goods in the e-shop.

    1.5. The contract between the Buyer and the Seller is considered concluded from the moment when the Buyer, having formed a basket of goods in the e-shop, indicated the delivery address, selected the payment method and familiarized himself with the Seller's rules, clicks on the button "Confirm the order" (see clause 5 "Order of goods, prices, payment procedure, terms"). 

    2. Protection of personal data.

    2.1. Order goods in the e-shop The Buyer can:

    2.1.1. by registering in this e-shop – by entering the data requested in the registration;

    2.1.2. without registering in this e-shop.

    2.2. Buyer, ordering goods 2.1. in the ways provided for in the clause of the Rules, in the relevant information fields provided by the Seller, the Buyer's personal data necessary for the proper execution of the order of goods must be indicated: name, surname, delivery address of the goods, telephone number and e-mail address.

    2.3. By confirming these rules, the Buyer agrees that 2.2. the buyer's personal data provided in the clause would be processed for the purposes of sales of goods and services in the e-shop, analysis of the Seller's activities and direct marketing.

    2.4. By agreeing that the Buyer's personal data would be processed for the purpose of selling goods and services in the Seller's e-shop, the Buyer also agrees that the informational messages necessary to fulfill the order of goods will be sent to the e-mail address and telephone number specified by the Buyer.

    2.5. When registering in the e-shop and ordering goods, the Buyer undertakes to protect and not disclose the login data to anyone.

    3. Buyer's rights and obligations.

    3.1. The Buyer has the right to purchase goods in the e-shop in accordance with the procedure established in these Rules and other sections of this e-shop information.

    3.2. The Buyer has the right to withdraw from the contract of purchase and sale of goods with the e-shop by notifying the Seller thereof in writing (by e-mail, indicating the desired item to be returned and its order number) no later than within 14 (fourteen) working days from the date of delivery of the item, except for cases when the contract cannot be withdrawn in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Lithuania (e.g. when the contract is concluded for the sale of hygiene goods – bedding accessories;, "Features of the return and replacement of non-food goods" item 18.).

    3.3. Rules 3.2. the Buyer may exercise the right provided for in clause only if the product has not been damaged or its appearance has not changed substantially, nor has it been used.

    3.4. The Buyer undertakes to accept the ordered goods and pay the agreed price for them.

    3.5. If the data provided in the Buyer's registration form changes, the Buyer must immediately update them.

    3.6. The Buyer undertakes not to transfer his login data to third parties. If the Buyer loses his login data, he must immediately inform the Seller about it by the means of communication specified in the "Contacts" section.

    3.7. By using the e-shop, the Buyer agrees with these Rules of Purchase and Sale and undertakes to comply with them and not to violate the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania.

    4. Seller's rights and obligations.

    4.1. The Seller undertakes to create all conditions for the Buyer to properly use the services provided by the e-shop.

    4.2. If the Buyer tries to undermine the stability and security of the Seller's e-shop or violates its obligations, the Seller has the right to immediately and without notice restrict or suspend the Buyer's access to the e-shop or in exceptional cases to cancel the Buyer's registration.

    4.3. The Seller undertakes to respect the Buyer's privacy right to the personal information belonging to the Buyer, which is indicated in the registration form of the e-shop.

    4.4. The Seller undertakes to deliver the goods ordered by the Buyer to the address specified by the Buyer.

    5. Ordering of goods, prices, payment procedure, terms.

    5.1. In the e-shop, the Buyer can make purchases around the clock, 7 days a week.

    5.2. The contract starts to be valid from the moment the Buyer clicks on the "Confirm order" button, and upon receipt of the order, the Seller confirms it – sends a confirmation letter to the e-mail specified by the Buyer.

    5.3. The prices of goods in the e-shop and the formed order are indicated in euros, including VAT.

    5.4. The buyer pays for the goods in one of the following ways:

    5.4.1. payment using e-banking is a prepayment using the e-banking system used by the Buyer. In order to use this form of payment, the Buyer must have signed an e-banking agreement with one of the serviced banks. The Buyer transfers the money to the checking account of the e-shop. The responsibility for data security in this case lies with the respective bank, since all monetary transactions take place in the bank's e-banking system.

    5.4.2. Payment by bank transfer is a prepayment when the Buyer, having printed the order and went to the nearest bank branch, transfers the money to the bank account of the e-shop.

    5.5. The buyer undertakes to pay for the goods immediately. Only after receiving payment for the goods, the parcel of goods begins to be formed and the deadline for delivery of the goods begins to be counted.

    6. Delivery of goods.

    6.1. The Buyer, who has chosen the delivery service at the time of ordering, undertakes to indicate the exact place of delivery of the goods.

    6.2. The buyer undertakes to accept the goods himself. In the event that the Buyer cannot accept the goods himself, and the goods are delivered to the specified address, the Buyer has no right to make claims to the Seller regarding the delivery of the goods to the wrong entity.

    6.3. The goods are delivered by the Seller or the Seller's authorized representative (courier).

    6.4. The Seller delivers the goods to the Buyer in accordance with the terms specified in the descriptions of the goods. These terms are preliminary, moreover, do not apply in cases where the Seller's warehouse does not have the necessary goods, and the Buyer is informed about the shortage of ordered goods. At the same time, the Buyer agrees that in exceptional cases, the delivery of goods may be delayed due to unforeseen circumstances beyond the Seller's control. In this case, the Seller undertakes to immediately contact the Buyer and agree on the terms of delivery of the goods.

    6.5. In all cases, the Seller is released from liability for violation of the terms of delivery of goods if the goods are not delivered to the Buyer or are not delivered on time due to the fault of the Buyer or due to circumstances beyond the control of the Seller.

    6.6. The Buyer must in all cases immediately inform the Seller if the parcel is presented in a crumpled or otherwise damaged package, if the parcel contains unsolicited goods or their incorrect quantity, incomplete set of goods.

    6.7. In all cases, the buyer, having noticed damage to the package during delivery, must indicate the notes in the delivery document provided by the courier or draw up a separate act regarding these violations. This must be done by the Buyer in the presence of the courier. In the absence of such actions, the Seller is exempted from liability to the Buyer for violations of the goods related to damage to the packaging, which the Buyer did not mark in the courier's delivery document.

    7. Quality of goods, guarantees.

    7.1. The details of each item sold in the e-shop are collectively indicated in the product description next to each item.

    7.2. The Seller shall not be liable for the fact that the goods in the e-shop may not correspond in color, shape or other parameters to the real size, shape and color of the goods due to the characteristics of the display used by the Buyer.

    7.3. The seller provides a quality guarantee valid for a certain period of time for certain types of goods, the specific term and other conditions of which are indicated in the descriptions of such goods.

    7.4. If the seller does not provide a quality guarantee for certain types of goods, the warranty provided for by the relevant legislation applies.

    8. Return and replacement of goods.

    8.1. Defects of the sold goods are eliminated, defective goods are replaced, returned in accordance with the Rules for the Return and Replacement of Items approved by Order No. 217 of the Minister of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania of 29 June 2001 "On approval of the rules for the return and replacement of items", except for cases when the contract cannot be withdrawn in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Lithuania (when the contract is concluded for the sale of hygiene goods – bedding accessories; see the information on the website of the Public Institution "Consumer Center";, "Features of the return and replacement of non-food goods" item 18.). Money for the returned goods in all cases is transferred only to the payer's bank account.

    8.2. In order to return the item(s) in accordance with Clause 8.1 of the Rules. the Buyer may do so within 14 (fourteen) working days from the date of delivery of the goods to the Buyer by informing the Seller by the means of communication specified in the contact section, indicating the name of the returned product, the order number and the reasons for the return.

    8.3. When returning the goods to the buyer, it is necessary to comply with the following conditions:

    8.3.1. the returned item must be in its original neat packaging;

    8.3.2. the product must be undamaged by the Buyer;

    8.3.3. the product must be unused, without losing its commercial appearance (undamaged labels, unbroken protective films, etc.) (this point does not apply in the case of the return of a defective product);

    8.3.4. the returned item must be in the same set as the Buyer received it;

    8.3.5. when returning the product, it is necessary to provide a document of its purchase.

    8.4. The Seller has the right not to accept the goods returned by the Buyer if the Buyer does not comply with 8.3. the procedure laid down in Article for the return of goods.

    8.5. When returning the wrong product and / or defective product, the Seller undertakes to pick up such goods and replace them with similar suitable goods.

    8.6. In the event that the Seller does not have the goods suitable for replacement, the Buyer is refunded the amount paid, not counting the price for delivery. 

    9. Liability of buyer and seller.

    9.1. The Buyer is fully responsible for the accuracy of the personal data provided by the Buyer. If the Buyer does not provide accurate personal data in the registration form, the Seller is not liable for the consequences arising from this and acquires the right to demand compensation for direct losses incurred by the Buyer.

    9.2. The Buyer is responsible for the actions performed using this e-shop.

    9.3. After registering, the Buyer is responsible for the transfer of his login data to third parties. If the services provided by the e-shop are used by a third party who has logged in to the e-shop using the Buyer's login data, the Seller considers this person to be the Buyer.

    9.4. The Seller is exempted from any liability in cases where the losses arise due to the fact that the Buyer, not taking into account the Seller's recommendations and the Buyer's obligations, did not get acquainted with these Rules, although such an opportunity was given to him.

    9.5. If the Seller's e-shop contains links to the e-websites of other companies, institutions, organizations or persons, the Seller is not responsible for the information or activities carried out there, does not maintain, control and does not represent those companies and persons.

    9.6. In the event of damage, the guilty Party shall indemnify the other Party for direct damages.

    10. Marketing and Information.

    10.1. The seller may, at his own discretion, initiate various promotions in the e-shop.

    10.2. The seller has the right to unilaterally, without separate notice, change the terms of the shares, as well as cancel them. Any change or cancellation of the terms and conditions of shares is valid only forward, i.e. from the moment of their execution.

    10.3. The Seller shall send all notifications by the means of communication specified in the Buyer's registration form.

    10.4. The Buyer sends all notices and questions to the phones and e-mail addresses indicated in the "Contacts" section of the Seller's e-shop.

    10.5. The Seller shall not be liable if the Buyer does not receive the sent informational or confirmatory messages due to the disruption of the internet connection, the networks of e-mail service providers.

    11. Final provisions.

    11.1. These Rules for the purchase and sale of goods have been drawn up in accordance with the laws and legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania.

    11.2. All disagreements arising from the implementation of these Rules shall be resolved by negotiation. In case of failure to reach an agreement, disputes shall be resolved in accordance with the procedure established by the laws of the Republic of Lithuania.